Thursday, October 16, 2008


My class schedule is really different than in America. I have 4 modules (aka courses/classes) that I am taking this semester, but each class only meets once per week....I know, it's pretty awesome..most of the time that is. It can get pretty hard to focus on schoolwork when you only meet with each class once every week, but the rest of the time it's nice. My classes are all 3 hours each, which is an extraordinarily long period of time to have to pay attention for!! We usually are let our early, but sometimes tutors (aka teachers/professors) need the full 3 hours to lecture. :( Classes meeting once/week shouldn't make you think that nobody works here...we're expected to do most of our research and studying on our own. The English educational system runs by the idea that students who force themselves to focus and work during the week, will get better marks on the assignments that they do have. This is challenging to me and many study abroad students because of how confusing it can be- A lot of the time, we aren't told what type of research we can be doing to help us in the class at all. Again, the fact that there is little guidance as students are supposed to be a lot more independent than they are in the states. So, all in all, it has its pros and its cons.
My Module Schedule:

Monday: No Class
Tuesday: 2-5pm- History: 19th Century London
Wednesday: 9:15am-12:15pm- Art and Society, which is a London focused study abroad class in which
we learn about buildings and paintings from different time periods around London.
Thursday: 9:30am-12:30pm- Politics: Introduction to International Relations
2-5pm- London Theatre In Performance, another London focused study abroad class in which
we learn about the history and meaning of theater in London.
Friday: No Class

1 comment:

LucyGreenway said...

what nice parents you must have to tolerate classes only three days a week and four day weekends!